
May one of these solutions help you ?

The Main Rules Of Building Abs In Double Quick Time

By Russ Howe

Perhaps you've spent too long looking for a quick fix solution, looking for instant rewards such as how to get a six pack in 3 minutes per day. However, if you're serious about building a lean stomach you're about to discover the simple truths which will get you there.

There are five proven rules to building a solid midsection. Until a miracle fix is developed, these are your best bet for quick results.

They are as follows:

1. Your abs recover quickly.

This means that you can train them more frequently than other muscle groups. Most people are able to train their abs two to three times per week and achieve fantastic results.

2. Don't overtrain your abs.

Do not, under any circumstances, fall in to the common trap which sees thousands of gym members pushing out sets of 1000 crunches per day. This amount of volume is not necessary and is simply ineffective.

If you were doing any other exercise you wouldn't aim for such a crazy amount of repetitions, so don't make the mistake here either.

3. Use different techniques.

There are many pieces of equipment available to help you change your abs routine as often as you want to. Things such as abdominal wheels, TRX suspension bands and good, old fashioned dumbbells can add much needed variety to your routine.

4. Get a balanced abs workout.

If you're hitting endless crunches, you are neglecting the two areas of the midsection which are usually of the highest concern - the obliques and the lower abdominal muscles.

Exercises such as side bends will target the obliques, which are an often overlooked muscle group, while moves such as the hanging leg raise will push the lower abs to develop further. These compliment your crunches and enable you to build a well rounded physique.

The reason so many men end up seeing the vague outline of their upper abdominals but very little development further down, is because they put way too much attention on crunches and sit ups.

5. You don't need tons of time to train your abs correctly.

Abs workout do not need to be long, drawn out affairs. They are small muscles which can be hit quite easily. By treating it as a circuit, you can add a great fat burning effect in to your abs routine and increase fat burning considerably.

While you may one day learn the secret behind how to get a six pack in 3 minutes, for now you'll need to stick to the proven facts. Using these steps, you will be able to accomplish a strong and lean waistline in no time.

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