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Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss - Free PDF Guide

By Susan Field

This article is about healthy smoothies and their benefits to your health and effectiveness for weight-loss. The natural whole foods in these drinks will improve your digestion and accelerate your fat loss.

If you incorporate organic vegetables and fresh fruits into your blends then your body will absorb many of the beneficial vitamins and minerals from these foods.

When we blend these natural foods we release these important beneficial compounds and make them available to the digestion to absorb easily.

To make healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss, incorporate those foods that are lower on the GI index. This is a measure of how sugary a food is.

Doing so will ensure that you lose weight quickly and safely. Fruits and vegetables also have natural fibre that will help bind the sugars and release them slowly during digestion. This helps reduce the insulin response thus making it more difficult for your body to store energy as fat.

Make sure you include more vegetables than fruit in your green smoothies if you want to maximise the weight loss effect.

For example a ratio of 60% Vegetables to 40% Fruit is ideal for a weight loss.

Over time if you follow these guidelines you will enjoy the real flavours of foods because you will become more aware of sugary foods.

Ideally you should consume a smoothie on an empty stomach to gain all the benefits for health and weight loss. Smoothies are rich in natural enzymes which aid the digestive process so blending fruits and vegetables is an ideal way to improve digestive health.

A successful weight loss strategy is to use the smoothie as a substitute for a solid meal once or twice a day for a short period of time. This is called a meal replacement. This also allows you to continue to eat one healthy main meal ideally in the evening.

Following a guided menu will ensure that it's easy to be successful with weight loss on a liquid diet plan.

One of the most important things to remember when using a healthy smoothie for weight loss is that you need to include a food source that has either a good proportion of healthy fat or has 20 grams or so of protein.

For the best results use raw organic vegetables & fruits and blend them with filtered or bottled water.

At 'the liquid diet plan' website we have prepared a range of meal replacement recipe ideas that you can use free of charge to help you lose excess weight steadily and consistently whilst improving your overall health and well being.

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