
May one of these solutions help you ?

Identifying Barriers To Healthy Weight Loss

By Rey Vetangelo

The decision to undergo any form of voluntary surgery is a major decision that should be weighed and investigated completely before going through with the procedure. The decision to undergo weight loss surgery is equally as important and should be treated with the same care and consideration that one would place on other forms of surgery.

First up is to eat a balanced diet. This is a major key to success. Your body was built to run off of a multitude of vitamins and minerals. When your body has its needs in each mineral it functions at its most efficient level.

Doctors and medical professionals urge individuals to first try conventional methods to weight loss before undergoing bariatric or weight loss surgery. Such traditional methods of weight loss include the establishment of a proper diet and exercise regimen and enrolling in a medically supervised weight loss program.

A good tool to follow is the food pyramid, which suggests you intake 6-11 servings of carbohydrates, 3-5 servings of vegetables, 2-4 servings of fruits, 2-3 servings each of dairy and meats, and sparingly intake fats, oils and sweets. Many of the diet programs will champion varying amounts of each food group as well.

One of the first things you should do on your weight loss journey is try to figure out what weight loss pitfalls you normally encounter. For example, perhaps you find it difficult to pass up donuts or cookies at a party.

Or maybe you eat fast food often because you are almost always on-the-go. We all have our weaknesses when it comes to eating, so try to figure out a few of yours. You may even find that you have certain emotions tied to the idea of eating. Maybe you eat when you are bored, angry, or depressed.

The next step for the individual will be to find a bariatric surgeon. Bariatric surgeons, or weight loss surgeons, can be found in most areas, but choosing the right surgeon is a very important step in the process of preparation.

Conscious exercise is a lifestyle change that incorporates every kind of exercise into your daily routine. Of course you traditionally hit the gym, but you also walk as often as possible. You find excuses to be outdoors and on the move. You take the long way instead of the shortcut.

Conscious exercise is living a life looking for excuses to move, not excuses to rest. That kind of exercise helps you increase your metabolism and burn away the excess pounds. These are the three secrets to the success of any diet plan. In a majority of cases, the reason a plan involving these three elements doesn't work is because the dieter isn't willing to follow the diet to the "t."

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